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A member registered Jan 16, 2017

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Then that has nothing to do with the difficulty or how hard it is to actually play the game and know how to do things. Novice difficulty or starting resources would never make up for your system not being able to run the game.

What you need to be asking for instead is optimization, or at least getting a "minimum system requirements" listed to tell you that you can't handle it.

Some of these are problably already being planned, but constructibles:

  • Thatch Roof - mostly aesthetic, but if rain is added, then at least covers you.
  • Door - or Doorway Wall, for aesthetics. Holes in your walls function, but look terrible.
  • Net Wall - again, for aesthetics. Looks good when mixed with a net hammock.
  • Hammock - because why a normal bed? Obviously needs hung up, so requires floor or roof above it?
  • Metal Chest - for more storage. Not really necessary, but variety is nice, and so are upgrades.
  • Reinforced Pillar - or... beam? Supports a 5x5 floor area. Looks pretty with metal brackets on it.
  • Bridge - rope or wood; can be placed without support beam, but needs connected on both ends.
  • Ladder - 1x1 climbable, more space-efficient than the 3x1 ramp. Requires placed against a wall?
  • Sharkskin - from sharks, to be used for aesthetics as a rug, or to decorate walls. Basically break up monotony.
  • Place walls on walls - as in, don't need a floor to place a wall, so walls can be placed above ramps or over treeplots.

Basically, some aesthetics. Sure, they aren't high priority, but I'd like to see these on my Tropical Resort village. I mean,... terrifying stranded-at-sea death raft?

You're given a hook. If you reel in materials, you can build a spear, distiller, campfire, and fishing rod fairly fast. Once you have that down, raft expansion is easy, and you can build nets. Since the shark only attacks every so often, you can spend your time building and gathering what your nets have collected.

If anything, some form of guidance on teaching that the hook can reel in floating materials needs added, or perhaps how to craft for water and food. It's terribly easy once you start up, as long as you know how to get started.

I'm also an independent game designer. I can do most everything on the design end except make art assets - models and promotional images. My main talents lie in programming and writing.

I spent the better part of a year devoting myself to learning how to code for multiplayer, and it really is a pain in the rear. It has to be something you plan from the beginning, and even then, you have to know EXACTLY how the whole system will come together before you write it; alternatively, you have to go back through your entire set of code in all of the scripts used just to rewrite it to include multiplayer support. By then, though, the game should already still work, so you still have to test it again, thoroughly, to make sure you didn't miss anything in multiplayer, or you need to have several people proficient in multiplayer coding to proofread all of the code too, to double- and triple-check that nothing was missed. And you'll have to debug it, too, which is even worse because, again, the code already works. So you have to find where it works but doesn't.

Every input needs checks for singleplayer, client, and host or server. Any inventories need to be known by a server, as well as any changes and when. Non-authoritative p2p is prone to lag and needs predictive ai to represent other players, to better understand where they are and what they're doing; ai in p2p needs some form of synchronization, so even the shark existing complicates matters. Checks need added to update positions and changes that may have been missed. All connected players need managed so the game knows who is allowed to play, and who gets the data. Everything needs to check if in multiplayer to disable communication attempts so it doesn't waste resources in singleplayer. It's like programming your game layered overtop of your game, and requires points in the singleplayer code to connect to the multiplayer code; you can't just add more code to it and hope that it works, the way you would add new content.

It takes way more effort than it's worth for a small group. It's not impossible, but it's definitely "super difficult" without a team devoted just to it. If they aren't planning multiplayer now, it will be even less appealing when there's more content, and they probably never will. That's the sad truth of it. Knowing how to code is different from coding for multiplayer, and the task is just too ambitious without several experts on the matter.